Reformed Church of Saugerties
173 Main Street
Saugerties, NY 12477
www.saugertiesreformed. org
Worship: 10:30 AM
July/August Worship: 10:00 AM
Our Ministry

The Reformed Church of Saugerties seeks to be faithful to our Savior’s call to spread the Gospel message to all people starting with the community here in Saugerties. One goal is to expand our outreach into the community. We do this by programs such as our Women’s Group, or the Sunday school and the children/youth programs which draw children, youth, and their parents into the church. We are also expanding our involvement in community activities, joining other local churches through the Saugerties Council of Churches to support outreaches that include the Saugerties Food Pantry and the Well. Through our Missions and Outreach Committee, efforts are being made to reach unchurched members of our local community; inviting them to take part in what the Reformed Church of Saugerties has to offer. The style of worship is semi-traditional. We follow a modified RCA order of worship. The music ministry of the church is blended and takes advantage of the beautiful acoustics of our sanctuary. We make use on a regular basis of our magnificent Roosevelt Organ, a baby grand piano, our Sounds of Joy adult choir under the direction of Lorraine Nelson Wolf, as well as the talents of some of our musicians and singers in the congregation. Some of our members prefer a contemporary style of worship. Those needs are met by bringing in more contemporary music into the service, usually as special music with instrumentals and vocals. We also have occasional services such as our Children and Youth Worship, Tenebrae, and A Child Is Born that expand our worship horizons. Children are encouraged to participate during the worship as acolytes. Members of the congregation are also encouraged to participate as lay readers.