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Typical Service


9:45 AM - The choir asssembles in the sanctuary to rehearse the morning’s anthem and hymns before the service.


10:15 AM - Our Pastor or one of the choir members leads the group in a word of prayer prior to breaking before the service starts. Shortly thereafter, our pastor greets guests individually in the sanctuary.


10:30 AM - The Pastor welcomes the congregation and invites them to join in worship. The Music Director plays an organ prelude which marks the beginning of the service. A Gathering Hymn is sung, followed by the day’s Announcements and then the Opening Hymn as the choir processes down the center aisle of the sanctuary to the choir loft. The Call to Worship is then given, usually in the form of a responsive reading printed in the bulletin. The service proceeds from that point according to the bulletin.

11:30 AM - Immediately after the service we have a time of fellowship in Parish Hall. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, juice, and snacks are provided by volunteers.


 In addition to our normal church holidays, we have had services of recognition for those who serve the community and the nation: our veterans, the Highway Department, Department of Public Works, Police, and Firemen. Other special services are Lenten Services, Tenebrae on Maundy Thursday, Easter Sunrise Service,  Advent Service,  a Christmas Eve candle light service, as well as a Reaffirmation of Vows. These special services are held each year and shared with the community. Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month.


Communion setup is done by volunteers who are coordinated by one of the members of the congregation.




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